Borrowing library materials is not a right it is a privilege. When items are not returned in a timely manner, they are not available to other patrons who need to use them. It is important that all library materials, Reserves, laptops, and other books and videos be returned on time. The SUNY Policy of the Board of Trustees mandates that all campus libraries have a fine policy to reinforce the loan period limits so that materials are available after a reasonable time for other patrons to use.
In the case of lost items, fees are used to cover the cost of replacement, and the processing fee covers the cost of the additional workload placed on staff to process the items for the collection. Fines and/or fees cannot be waived or reduced without authorization.
If an item has not been returned, fines continue to accumulate. In addition, any holds which have been triggered by the fines will remain until the fines are paid.
The primary objective of collection development activities at the Hinkle Memorial Library is to build and maintain a library collection that supports the Alfred State College undergraduate curriculum.
Ultimate responsibility for the development and maintenance of library collections rests with the Director of the Library.
Gifts and donated items once accepted become the property of the Library. Gifts and donations might be added to the collection or offered to other libraries through the Gifts & Exchange program, or otherwise disposed of. In general, duplicates or items in poor condition are not retained. Donors may not impose restrictions on use of their gifts.
Alfred State College Libraries: Accessibility Policy
The staff of the libraries at Alfred State College are committed to providing equal access to library collections, services, and facilities for all library users, as specified in the American with Disabilities Act. We will endeavor to select and acquire, whenever possible, resources and technologies that are accessible to all. Where available, we will endeavor to collect materials with accurate and current information on the spectrum of disabilities, issues, and services. For library collections that aren’t accessible, we are committed to providing reasonable accommodations and timely access to users with disabilities.
For more information about specific accessibility services at the Alfred State College libraries contact: Joe Petrick and/or go to:
For more information about accessibility services at the college contact: Melanie Ryan at 607-587-4122.
Borrowing from other libraries, Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
If neither the Hinkle Library nor the libraries at Alfred University have an item, we can request it from other participating libraries. We cannot order textbooks for ASC classes via interlibrary loan.
Typically requested:
The Group Study Room is intended as a place where students can study together. The room has three separate group study spaces.