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Information Literacy Assessment: 2015 ASC Assessment Pilot

ASC Pilot Assessment Fall 2015: Computer Quiz


Thanks to the efforts of Kathleen Ebert and Sarah Haskins, who uploaded this data from BlackBoard and created this spreadsheet, here are the results of the pilot “Information Management Assessment” that was run during the Fall 2015 semester in a few sections of Comp1503.  The assessment was not mandatory for the class.  Students in the pilot were enrolled in the “mini-course” in Blackboard which consisted of a basic computer knowledge test (25 questions), and then several short modules on various aspects of information literacy.  These module included short videos, followed by a short 3 or 4 item quiz.


The last page of the spreadsheet shows the percentage of students who met or exceeded the standard (75% correct or above).  See line 105.

  • Only 55% met or exceeded the standard for the computer skills quiz
  • Only 28% met or exceeded the standard for understanding the use of search terms
  • 69% met the standard for “developing a topic”
  • Students seemed to understand more about “evaluating internet sources” and “using Wikipedia for academic research”
  • Students had a difficult time deciphering citations