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BUAD 2033 Business Communication

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Search Tips

  • Use OR between synonyms. For example: college or university.
  • Search in the Title or Abstract fields.
  • A useful ERIC search phrase: SU "Student Recruitment"
  • Results are sorted by Relevance—not date—but you can change that.
  • Searches and results can also be limited by date, for example, results from only 2020 to the present.

Research Paper Template

Google Search Tips

Search Tips

  • Use quotation marks around a phrase to make it mandatory and in the order listed; for example, "student recruitment"
  • Use site:edu to limit results to .edu websites
  • Use -site:com to exclude results from the .com domain
  • Use filetype:pdf to limit results to PDF documents; other examples are doc, xls, ppt


Evaluating Online Sources

Evaluating Online Sources LibGuide

Always evaluate your sources for their credibility, truthfulness, and usefulness.

Accuracy. Ask yourself: Does the site misstate or misrepresent facts? Does the site contain errors?

Authority. Ask: Is there evidence the authors know what they’re talking about?

Bias. Ask: Does the site hide the fact they have a point of view or a goal?

Coverage. Ask: How much information is provided?

Currency. Ask: How important is the date to the type of information or field?

Do not use sites that fail your evaluation. Use other, better sites instead.