HeinOnline AcademicThis link opens in a new windowHeinOnline provides legal research including access to 300+ years of information on political development and the complete history of the creation of government and legal systems around the world.
Salem Online Reference (eBook)This link opens in a new windowProvides online access to a wide variety of reference books.
Biographical Sources
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American National Biography by John A. Garraty (Editor)American National Biography is the first new comprehensive biographical dicionary focused on American history to be published in seventy years. Produced under the auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies, the ANB contains over 17,500 profiles on historical figures written by anexpert in the field and completed with a bibliography. The scope of the work is enormous--from the earlest recorded European explorations to the very recent past.
Call Number: Ref. CT213 A68 1998
American WomenGreat Lives from History: American Women covers prominent individuals from colonial times through the present, offering a fascinating perspective on important women from U.S. history. This new addition to the Great Lives from History series features over 700 essays on women from the seventeenth through the early twenty-first centuries. Many individuals included in this multi-volume set have never been covered in this series before, notable for their work in such fields as politics, civil rights, literature, education, journalism, science, business, and sports.
American DecadesThis reference documents and analyzes periods of contemporary American social history such as the roaring twenties, the depression years, World War II, and the 60s. There are 10 volumes altogether and each includes: a chronology of the decade; subject chapters with background essays; subject-specific chronologies and alphabetically arranged items depicting the people, ideas, and facts important during that period.
Call Number: Ref. E169.12 A419 1994
Victorian America, 1876 to 1913Victorian America, 1876 to 1913 investigates America during a period of immense innovation and profound change. Illustrating numerous aspects of American life, both public and private, the book is a kind of mosaic, from which we discover what Americans ate; what they wore; what they did for entertainment; what songs they sang; what games they played; what books they read; who they voted for; what they worried about; how much they earned and how they spent it; what they grew, manufactured, and produced; how they did or did not provide social services; how they celebrated themselves in three World s Fairs; and much, much more. Readers will find in these pages many perspectives on the culture, the arts, the economy, the politics, and the conditions of ordinary life in the United States during the period between the Civil War and World War I. They will find evidence of diversity, growth, and prosperity, as well as of bigotry, economic blight, and miserable existences wasted in ill-compensated toil. They will find the mansions of Newport and the slums of the Lower East Side, the open door to immigrants and the confinement of the Indians of the western frontier, the capital accumulation of the robber barons and the struggles of workers including child labor for dignity and decent wages. They will find the overwhelming development of technology for example, the invention and spread of the light bulb, the telephone, the automobile, the airplane, and the movies as it fueled the country s growth and changed America forever. In short, Victorian America, 1867 to 1913 reflects all the variety and contradiction of American life in this extraordinary historical era. Carefully chosen and representative information, in a concise, easy-to-use mix of documents, text, tables, and illustrations, allows the reader to sample the texture and flavor of Victorian America.